🎞️ Drive-In Movie Reviews

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Backcountry’: Some days you get away from the bear, and some days the bear gets you

Two unprepared young people in love meet a mean bear, which ruins their camping trip, in 2014's "Backcountry."

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Lost Gully Road’: Woman fleeing ex shacks up with a ghost in a cabin in the woods

Welcome to the wildest part of the year where we celebrate flicks that take place out in nature — usually in the woods. Communing is optional, yet highly encouraged. There will be special guest appearances…

Ben Nagy reviews ‘CarousHELL 3’: Duke the Unicorn fights a maniacal bunny as trilogy achieves closure

Homicidal unicorn Duke returns to battle vicious killer rabbit reanimating corpses. Eyepatch pizza guy joins the chaotic sequel filled with stabbings, beheadings, and unicorn-rabbit combat.

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Crawler’: Snake alien with arms facepalms Maryland people to death

In his 60 years here on this planet, Baltimore-area director Don Dohler also had his eyes on the stars. The filmmaker ignored budgetary and regional limitations and ended up producing 14 flicks in addition to…

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Asher’: Assassinating ain’t easy when you get older

A lot of people aren’t going to have the attention span for a hired killer movie like Asher anymore because the John Wicks of the world have had their say on that kind of movie…

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Storm Warning’:  Tourists run afoul of backwoods redneck pot-growers — but it’s Australia, so it’s different

Storm Warning is a 2007 flick done by a director who rose to horror fame for a spell at the turn of the century with a lot of stuff from the 1970s. Got that? Jamie…