JoBlo Interview: Joe Bob sits down for a sess with Jessica Dwyer @JoBlo

Editors Note:  Readers are advised that the opinions of guest writers on this website may occasionally diverge from the infallible wisdom of Joe Bob Briggs, and in such cases, Joe Bob cannot be held responsible for any resulting confusion, enlightenment, or existential crises.  Enjoy.

Jessica Dwyer @JoBlo sits down for a whirlwind chat with our man, Joe Bob Briggs. This interview with JoBlo ain’t just any old sit-down; it’s a deep dive into the heart of horror hosted by a man who knows his stuff, from drive-in classics to the kind of films that’d make a rattlesnake jump.

Interview Highlights:

  • Horror’s Best Buddies: Talkin’ ’bout legends, Joe Bob’s rubbed elbows with some of the biggest names in the biz. He spills the beans on his first encounter with Roger Corman, a man who’s not just a filmmaker but a discoverer of talents, includin’ our dear Joe Bob. Imagine gettin’ a call from Corman himself, sayin’ he’s a fan of your work. That’s like findin’ gold in your backyard!

  • Down-to-Earth Wisdom: One thing that sticks out in this chat is Joe Bob’s grounded take on the industry. He shares advice from the late, great John Zacherley, remindin’ him (and us) that in showbiz, it’s as important to stay humble as it is to stay talented. “Never be afraid to lower your rate,” he recalls, a nod to the value of workin’ hard and stayin’ true to your roots, no matter how high you climb.

  • The Value of a Good Host: In this age of streamin’ where you can drown in choices, Joe Bob talks about the importance of having a guide, a curator of sorts, to navigate the vast sea of horror. It’s not just about pickin’ a movie; it’s about the stories, the history, and sometimes, the lesson hidden beneath all that gore and ghoulishness.

  • Educatin’ Through Horror: And if y’all think Joe Bob’s just about the scares, think again. He’s a teacher at heart, usin’ his platform to dive into topics as diverse as American history and the intricacies of film craft. He mentions “Joe Bob’s Summer School,” where he brought an educational twist to his audience, proving once again that horror ain’t just about the screams; it’s about the stories.

So there you have it folks, a sit-down with Joe Bob Briggs that’s as enlightening as it is entertainin’. This man’s journey through the wilds of horror is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and a good ol’ Texas spirit. Whether you’re a long-time fan or just gettin’ to know the man behind the drive-in, this interview’s a must-watch.

Remember, horror’s got a place for all of us, whether we’re in the mood for a fright, a laugh, or a lesson. And with folks like Joe Bob leadin’ the charge, we’re in good hands.

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