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Ace Rothstein : Four reels, sevens across on three $15,000 jackpots. Do you have any idea what the odds are? Don Ward : Shoot, it’s gotta be in the millions, maybe more. Ace Rothstein : Three fuckin’ jackpots in 20 minutes? Why didn’t you pull the machines? Why didn’t you call me? Don Ward : Well, it happened so quick, 3 guys won; I didn’t have a chance… Ace Rothstein : [interrupts] You didn’t see the scam? You didn’t see what was going on? Don Ward : Well, there’s no way to determine that… Ace Rothstein : Yes there is! An infallible way, they won! Don Ward : Well, it’s a casino! People gotta win sometimes. Ace Rothstein : [grows more irritated] Ward, you’re pissing me off. Now you’re insulting my intelligence; what you think I am, a fuckin’ idiot? You know goddamn well that someone had to get into those machines and set those fuckin’ reels. The probability of one four-reel machine is a million and a half to one; the probability of three machines in a row; it’s in the billions! It cannot happen, would not happen, you fuckin’ momo! What’s the matter with you? Didn’t you see you were being set up on the second win? Don Ward : I really think… Ace Rothstein : [interrupts] Wait! You didn’t see that you were being set up on the second win? Don Ward : I really think you’re overreacting… Ace Rothstein : Listen, you fuckin’ yokel, I’ve had it with you. I’ve been carrying your ass in this place ever since I got here. Get your ass and get your things and get out of here. Don Ward : You’re firing me? Ace Rothstein : I’m firing you. No, I’m not firing, I’m firing you, ya… Don Ward : You might regret this, Mr. Rothstein. Ace Rothstein : I’ll regret it even more if I keep you on. Don Ward : This is not the way to treat people. Ace Rothstein : Listen, if you didn’t know you were being scammed you’re too fuckin’ dumb to keep this job, if you did know, you were in on it. Either way, YOU’RE OUT! Get out. Go on, let’s go.