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Ben Nagy reviews ‘Absurd’: 40 years ago, Joe Bob reviewed the original, but he never got around to the sequel

Editors Note:ย  Readers are advised that the opinions of guest writers on this website may occasionally diverge from the infallible wisdom of Joe Bob Briggs, and in such cases, Joe Bob cannot be held responsible for any resulting confusion, enlightenment, quantum entanglement, or existential crises.ย  Enjoy.

Two score years and four or so ex-wives ago, Joe Bob Briggs brought forth upon the city of Dallas, a new column, conceived at one of the finest drive-in theaters in Dallas or Tarrant County, and dedicated to the oath that we believe in the three Bโ€™s, will party like jungle animals and then boogie till we puke as long as one drive-in still stands on the face of this Earth.

Now to mark the monumental occasion of when, on Jan. 15, 1982, way back on Page 23 (or so) of the Dallas Slimes Herald (before you got to the ads for Discount Alโ€™s Furniture located past Cedar Crest Boulevard and after the ads for the latest fern bar that had opened up on Commerce), Joe Bob Briggs reviewed his first flick โ€” The Grim Reaper, aka Anthropophagus โ€” weโ€™re going to take care of some business that was left unfinished lo those many years ago.

(Editorโ€™s note: If youโ€™ve never read Joe Bob de-butt column, donโ€™t want to shell out $100 for a copy of the first Goes to the Drive-In book and donโ€™t know what The Grim Reaper was about, all you need to know is that itโ€™s about a Greek cannibal sitting on an island who doesnโ€™t like tourists OR just take a tip from your friendly neighborhood reviewer and subscribe to The Lost Drive-In Patreon so youโ€™ll get to read it.)

Joe Dโ€™Amato (real Italian name of Aristide Massaccesi), who directed The Grim Reaper, and George Eastman (real Italian name of Luigi Monteflori), who starred in it, were having a lot of fun doing flicks together in the late 1970s and early 1980s โ€” stuff like The Erotic Nights of the Living Dead, Black Sex and Porno Holocaust. Eastman, the Italian Richard Kiel who is even taller than Joe Bob at 6-9 and NOT the one associated with the Kodak camera guy, almost always played a hulking monster. The duo did The Grim Reaper, which got some notoriety in 1980, and it was the very first flick reviewed under Joe Bobโ€™s byline, getting 2.75 stars when averaged out (he gave it two different star ratings). on the Season Four premiere of The Last Drive-In, its ratingโ€™s been revised to 3.5 stars.

Well, Eastman and Dโ€™Amato had so much fun with that one that they teamed up again for a stealth sequel a year or so later called Absurd. It might not have ever showed up at the drive-ins in the Dallas area because it never got reviewed in โ€œJoe Bob Goes to the Drive-In,โ€ which is an absolute shame because it is the best Italian Halloween 2-Halloween-Shining ripoff ever written to have taken place during Super Bowl XIV.

So, 40 or so years ago (IMDb says the flick came out in 1981) JBB missed out.

But here I am to help by filling in a long-vacant gap in the card catalogue of drive-in reviews that has persisted through three TV series, four decades, seven presidential administrations, 10 Olympiads and four-fifths of a half-century.

First thing about Absurd is that it follows Joe Bobโ€™s Rule of Sequels that Halloween III broke, and that is that Dโ€™Amato and Eastman decided to make the EXACT same movie, but with a few differences so you know itโ€™s a sequel. The first thing is that, rather than playing a balding stringy-haired cannibal with bad teeth and a beard sitting on a deserted Greek island like he did in Grim Reaper and killing tourists, Eastman is Niktos Thermopoulos (or something approximating what I just typed) a not-balding killer with good teeth and a beard jogging through a suburb and who almost gets killed.

Seriously, the film opens with our killer and a guy in a robe doing some light trail running โ€” nothing to indicate that itโ€™s really a pursuit. Youโ€™ve got some noodling/mournful Goblin-style guitar in the background, neither guy is really running with much urgency. It could actually be the Italian version of the Life of Bill Rodgers to cash in on the Chariots of Fire buzz until we get some weird cuts to a bed-ridden teen girl doing geometry homework by sketching circles with her compass, and itโ€™s not until Niktos decides to scale a wrought-iron fence, impales himself in the abdomen and stumbles into the house while his guts are leaking out, ruining breakfast for a kid named Willie, that we have any idea that this isnโ€™t Joe and George doing Chariots of Fire.

Ben Nagy reviews 'Absurd': 40 years ago, Joe Bob reviewed the original, but he never got around to the sequel 1
Emily (Annie Belle) has Mia Farrow’s hair from “Rosemary’s Baby” and deals with the second-worst boy character in the history of Italian horror, Willie the kid, in “Absurd.” (Photo courtesy IMDB.com)

Before I get any further, as a side note, Willie hands down turns out to be the second most-annoyingly dubbed and acted Italian boy of all time behind He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named from House by the Cemetery. The new rallying cry for the Mutant Fam needs to be โ€œ[Expletive] B** and the Willie he rode in on.โ€ In all honesty in some ways, especially toward the end of this flick, Willie actually ends up being even MORE ANNOYING than B**. It has to be seen to be believed. But since heโ€™s only having Cheerios and Niktos is bleeding all over the front door and itโ€™s only about three minutes into the movie and we only are exposed for about 38 seconds, we have no clue about what untapped depths of annoyance Willie shall later mine.

Niktos winds up in the hospital where he is patient A-Number-1, impressing the hell out of the medical staff there who gush on his amazing Wolverine-like healing ability while moving some deli meats around on top of his abdomen and say stuff like, โ€œItโ€™s absurd, completely absurd,โ€ when referring to his super-coagulating blood and โ€œHis blood is reproducing itself at triple the normal rate,โ€ and โ€œIโ€™ve never seen such an extensive cerebral mass.โ€ While getting worked on, Niktos even is resistant to the anesthesia and wakes up a few times to make some menacing faces when the docs are putting his innards back in. 

Ben Nagy reviews 'Absurd': 40 years ago, Joe Bob reviewed the original, but he never got around to the sequel 2
Even though he didn’t give himself any lines when he wrote the script for “Absurd,” Big George Eastman โ€” the Italian Richard Kiel โ€” did get plenty of opportunity to emote thanks to director Joe D’Amato. (Photo courtesy IMDB.com)

But since Eastman didnโ€™t write any lines for himself, the guy in the robes (Edmund Purdom โ€” the dean from Pieces) ends up being in charge of explaining the whole situation in an exposition dump to the chain-smoking cop whoโ€™s doing the investigation into the jogging outing that turned into an impalement.

You see, not only is he an extremely slow-running Greek priest, but heโ€™s also a biochemist who did an experiment that made Niktos immortal, homicidal AND crazy and so the priest has to capture and control the monster before he goes full amok on the quiet town. Pretty Halloween-ish, no? But while fading in and out of consciousness, Niktos sees the priest, gets all fired up and motivated, makes more faces and then goes off on a murder spree after escaping the hospital.

Then itโ€™s straight babysitters (and kids) in peril with Willie, his bedridden sister and Peggy and Emily, the two girls their parents hired, threatened by Niktos because Willie’s dad hit him with a car before he and his wife went to the neighbors to watch Pittsburgh play the El Lay Rams. They even call Niktos โ€œThe Boogeymanโ€ eight times, lift some of Jamie Leeโ€™s dialogue from Halloween (the first one) and re-create the door scene from The Shining, but thereโ€™s no โ€œHereโ€™s Johnny!โ€ because 1. Eastman didnโ€™t give himself any lines and 2. โ€œHereโ€™s Niktos!โ€ wouldnโ€™t have worked.

Ben Nagy reviews 'Absurd': 40 years ago, Joe Bob reviewed the original, but he never got around to the sequel 3

Best Inversion: Instead of doing what Halloween did by having the babysitter part in the beginning and the hospital part at the end, Absurd has the babysitter part at the end and the hospital part at the beginning, plus itโ€™s Niktos the killer who starts out in the hospital.

Best-Trained in the Ancient Custodial Arts: The janitor at this factory has impressive mopping technique, tries to fight Niktos and puts a few bullets in him.

Best Cameo: Michel Soavi, an actor who almost always gets killed in Italian horror flicks (City of the Living Dead, Demoni) and later director (Stage Fright, Dellamorte Dellamore), has trouble with his motorcycle, gets left behind by the rest of his biker pals, all of whom sound like Cheech & Chong, and gets hung in a tree. 

Best Use of Whatโ€™s at Hand: Niktos drills a nurse through the skull, bisects a dudeโ€™s head with a jigsaw and pick-axes a babysitter through the skull and thatโ€™s before he decides to chuck someone in an oven.

Ben Nagy reviews 'Absurd': 40 years ago, Joe Bob reviewed the original, but he never got around to the sequel 4
The slow-jogging priest (Edmund Purdom from “Pieces”) gets to say all the lines Donald Pleasence would have said if the producers of “Absurd” could’ve afforded to pry him away from John Carpenter for 15 minutes in 1981. (Photo courtesy IMDb.com)

Best Donald Pleasence Imitation: The bioengineer priest who is responsible for the killerโ€™s creation, much like Loomis, drives around aimlessly, says stuff like, โ€œThere is nothing human left in him,โ€ confronts Niktos ineptly and then pretty much fails at stopping him.

Best Relearn the Rules of Football: The version I watched had Super Bowl XIV going on in the background and itโ€™s what got the parents out of the house so the babysitters could get imperiled. Anyhow, the announcer was using some of the real playersโ€™ names and some other random, made-up names. Also, when a guy was running at the 30-yard line, the announcer was about 20 yards off, saying the guy was at the 50.

Best Nurse/Babysitter Ever: Emily (Annie Belle), in the Jamie Lee role, hoofs it through the day-shot-for-night woods, gets accosted by the town drunk, still makes it from her nurse gig to watch the kids and then gets subjected to an exposition dump from her boss, who just happens to call the house sheโ€™s babysitting at to tell her that her co-worker was just found murdered at work.

Three stars. Half-star deduction because no garbonzas, plus the existence of Willie drags it down an additional half star. However, if B** was your favorite thing about House by the Cemetery, then youโ€™ll give it four.

Check it out streaming on TubiTV or on Filmzie or snag it on physical media from our great pals at Severin Films.

Happy 40th, Mr. Briggs!

The Screening Room archive.

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