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Ben Nagy reviews ‘Blackwoods’: Things that make you go Uwe

Editors Note:ย  Readers are advised that the opinions of guest writers on this website may occasionally diverge from the infallible wisdom of Joe Bob Briggs, and in such cases, Joe Bob cannot be held responsible for any resulting confusion, enlightenment, quantum entanglement, or existential crises.ย  Enjoy.

In the early 2000s, you needed only seven letters to strike fear in the hearts of genre flick lovers (and critics).

U-W-E B-O-L-L.

Not to be confused with the former first-round NBA pick and legendary Dallas Maverick center Uwe Blab, this is the confrontational German who put out what was widely regarded by critics back then as the worst horror flick to get widely released at the turn of the century โ€” House of the Dead. At least, that is, until he put out Alone in the Dark in 2005.

The still-developing Internet had an absolute blast destroying what could have been the start of any big video game-movie crossover franchise Boll had his hands in. He was good playing the heel role โ€” making a conscious decision to adapt beloved video game series and putting himself in the crosshairs of a united and vocal front of both fans of the games he wanted to movie-ize and movie fans who just hated his movies who just made it a mission to demolish the guy. Sites cropped up like โ€œuwebollsucks.comโ€ and accusations from angry gamer fans of Boll being an agent of Satan flew.

Hereโ€™s an outtake from the Internet Archive capture of from 2006, and I quote:

โ€œThrough all times, people with different faith have often shared one commong (sic) conception – that there exists a greater evil of some kind. Some people view this evil as the gathered evil of mankind. Others prefer to see it as an entity of some sort, calling it the Devil, Belzebub (sic), or Antichrist.
Dr. Uwe Boll, we believe that this greater evil is you. We believe that the purpose of your life is to inflict as much suffering and grief as possible in the heart of humans everywhere. We believe that you find pleasure in destroying the spirit of great video games, and that you plan to continue this evil work for a long, long time. We believe that you are Antichrist. On behalf of the entire world, we beg you: Spare us from making another movie!.”

Hereโ€™s an open letter from site creator โ€œJMSโ€ in a Wayback Machine capture from September 2008 from the site, courtesy of the Internet Archive:

โ€œDear Dr. Uwe Boll,
Please stop making movies. Every time you make a movie a puppy gets run over by a car. That’s just is (sic) not right. Those ten flat puppies deserved better. This simple fact should be more than enough to convince you that your life has taken a wrong turn. That maybe a higher being has given “Uwe Boll the Director” a giant dead-puppy-thumbs-down.
There should be no need to mention all of the negative public support that your (sic) have garnered over the last few years. Not only with your horendous (sic) films, but with your public comments as well.
Continuing down your directorial path is akin to you opening up a puppy mortuary. You don’t want to be the lead medical examiner of a puppy mortuary. Do you?
Please stop making movies.

So Uwe had himself a following of angry antagonists, and Mr., sorry Dr. (he insists upon being called that since he got a doctorate in literature, although AP style would disagree) Boll even went to the length of BOXING against five of his harshest critics in an event sanctioned by in Vegas in 2006. Itโ€™s documented here in the flick Raging Boll.

To note, Joe Bob was mostly on hiatus from reviewing drive-in flicks in the years when Uwe had his biggest releases and stuck to mostly indie flicks instead of wide releases during the second incarnation of his column for UPI, so heโ€™s never had the experience. Plus JB wouldnโ€™t have done boxing, he would have insisted on Mad Monkey Kung Fu or a Lone Star drink-off had Boll challenged him.

Welp, because Iโ€™ve chosen Bollโ€™s 2001 movie Blackwoods for the third woods flick Iโ€™m reviewing this month, I could potentially be getting in deep doo-doo with the Kraut with cinematic clout myself and facing a challenge from an angry 50-something director. However, rather than boxing, if Boll doesnโ€™t like what I have to say about his flick, weโ€™ll settle it on the basketball court โ€” one-on-one, mano-y-mano. He can defend the legacy of German hoops players like Uwe Blab, Detlef Schrempf and Dirk Nowitzki. Iโ€™ll defend the legacy of the one and only Hungarian NBA player, Kornel David, who played six games for my native Cleveland Cavaliers, scored 201 baskets in his entire career and never made a three-pointer.

But first, we have to see if Blackwoods, starring Patrick Muldoon (Ice Spiders, Starship Troopers) is worth deforestating.

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Dawn (Keegan Connor Tracy) and Matt (Patrick Muldoon) are on a road trip into “Blackwoods.” (Screen capture from DVD by reviewer Ben Nagy)

Muldoon is this guy Matty Sullivan who used to drive around in a Mustang while wearing his ball cap backwards and heโ€™s going to go about 100 miles away from the city with his girlfriend, Dawn (Keegan Connor Tracy from Final Destination 2 and the Dead Rising flicks), and meet her family for a weekend excursion to โ€œthe Blackwoods.โ€ Mattโ€™s not too sure about his safety so he takes a really big sharp knife with him.

On their way, they go to a quaint diner that serves wine, get the stink eye from a waitress, get pulled over by the local sheriff (Michael Parรฉ) and get a hotel room from none other than Clint Howard. We get to listen to some budget Sade while they aardvark in Clintโ€™s motel and thatโ€™s intercut with Matt flashing back to this time when he totaled his Mustang into a tree three or five years ago (it changes).

Ben Nagy reviews 'Blackwoods': Things that make you go Uwe 2
An intruder outside Matt’s hotel room is about ready to throw down with him in “Blackwoods.” (Screen capture from DVD by reviewer Ben Nagy)

Then Dawn excuses herself for a walk post-aardvark and this provides the opportunity for a guy wearing a toque (thatโ€™s Bob and Doug McKenzie for stocking cap) with a bush axe and wearing Hunter S. Thompson sunglasses to bust into the hotel room and fight Matt, but then the guy disappears, leaving Matt to try to explain to a p.o.ed Clint Howard how a closet door and a lamp got busted.

The sheriff shows up, Clint stays p.o.ed about the damages and Matt still has to go meet Dawnโ€™s folks โ€” that is, if he can find where the heck she went…

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Ben Nagy reviews 'Blackwoods': Things that make you go Uwe 4
Greg the hotel clerk (Clint Howard) aims to serve in “Blackwoods.” (Screen capture from DVD by reviewer Ben Nagy)

Best Lodging Deal Where You Donโ€™t Have to Read the Fine Print on the Door: Greg the hotel clerk has standards โ€” โ€œI donโ€™t care if youโ€™re Bill Clinton or Billy Dee Williams. You want a room in this hotel youโ€™ve got to phone ahead first.โ€ He also explains the various perks โ€” โ€œI can put you in the room that plays porno all the time, day in, day out โ€ฆ costs a little extra.โ€ He also gives out smiley-face condoms and is very protective of his property โ€” โ€œYou canโ€™t just break stuff without consequences.โ€ Thereโ€™s also a random scene where he talks to the sheriff on the phone while watching porn with the requisite moaning in the background. A guyโ€™s gotta have something to do besides reading Field & Stream.

Best Summarization of Domestic Unrest: Dawn tells Matt that her family is โ€œnot quite the carefree clan they used to be,โ€ and then he meets her three brothers, a dad and mom who justifiably say the F-word a lot when they meet her beau.

Best Way to Start a Hunt: Matt is chucked down the steps and stabbed before being given a minute and 40 seconds to run off into the woods.

Best Voice of Reason: Mattโ€™s ex Sarah (Sarah Deakins) told him not to get behind the wheel after five glasses of wine, but if heโ€™d have listened to her, there wouldnโ€™t have been a movie.

Best Philosophers: A tie between Sheriff Harding who tells Matt โ€œI deal in things I see, not things I canโ€™t see. and Mr. Sullivan, we are all on our own in this worldโ€ and the server at the diner who says โ€œGodโ€™s got a funny sense of humor.โ€

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Obligatory shot of the Blackwoods from Blackwoods. (Screen capture from DVD by reviewer Ben Nagy)

The biggest complaint I had with this flick is that in between Matt and Dawnโ€™s trip into the Blackwoods, Uwe did some nonlinear storytelling here and you couldnโ€™t really tell if all these out-of-context quick cuts that we see of a dude werewolf-running through the woods, a curved blade affixed to an axe handle, an old woman and the wreck are a flashback or a flash forward.

The soundtrack also is a bit overdone as well with budget versions of Sade, Creed, Macy Gray and Portishead getting played in the background โ€” every time anyone gets in a car, thereโ€™s a song playing and Matt has to have a smoke. There are at least 15 to 20 songs listed in the credits. Plus thereโ€™s also a double-stack Sixth Sense thing going on at the end where everyone might be dead or theyโ€™re a ghost or they might have just moved to Wisconsin.

Disjointedness aside, to his credit, Uwe might have snuck a side garbonza in during the hotel aardvarking scene. Mattโ€™s roommate also shows off his bare butt, so there is no half-star deduction. I will warn that the flick is short in the dead body and blood department, but Iโ€™ve seen much, much worse.

Uwe gets two stars, and if heโ€™s mad about that, then Iโ€™ll ask JB if we can put up a hoop at the next Jamboree.

Blackwoods is available streaming on Amazon and on physical media.

The next two weeks: I give people what they really want and expect around Thanksgiving time in these parts โ€” Bigfoot flicks.

Screening Room archive

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