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Joe Bob’s Ghoultide Get-Together

Joe Bob's Ghoultide Get-Together 7

Art by T.J. Denton (@TDenton_1138 on Twitter and An all-time record of 24 things up for auction and a couple of Santa-oriented flicks helped make the latest holiday special a quite memorable outing for the crew on the Last Drive-In, and we’re hoping that the returns for the four worthy charities surpass the generosity […]

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Cold Prey’: It’s Norway’s answer to ‘Wolf Creek’

Ben Nagy reviews ‘Cold Prey’: It’s Norway’s answer to ‘Wolf Creek’ 10

It’s pretty gray up there in Scandinavia, so there’s plenty of time up there for writers and directors to think up bizarre and nasty things to creep folks out. A word of advice: Don’t sleep on Norwegian horror flicks. A few of them have received some notoriety in the U.S. Probably the best-known example would […]